joi, 29 iulie 2010

song of the night

Mică pauză de linişte - My little black box

Mi-aş dori o cutiuţă. Mică, neagră, din satin lucios şi moale, cu interior pufos, fuchsia. Aş vrea să aibă deasupra o fundiţă frumos aranjată. Mi-aş dori să mă pot asunde din când în când în cutiuţa mea, să nu mai văd soarele din interiorul ei. Să mă pitesc în puful fuchsia şi să visez la ceva frumos. Sau pur şi simplu să mă scund de lume, să am universul mea fuchsia. :)

song of the day

quote of the day

Singura cale de a scapa de ispita este sa ii cedezi .... (Oscar Wilde)

duminică, 25 iulie 2010

song of the night

I know that you don’t
Know that I know what you know
We’ve got secrets between us that
Nobody else would believe if we told them
So let the stars align
And let the water make wine ’cause
Broken souls will become whole tonight, oh tonight
We know it’s right so
Lift your eyes and let me in
‘Cause baby I’m an alien like you
Would you ever wake at night and realize
The reason why you knew me then
Is maybe I’m an alien too
Would you ever let me be an alien with you

I know that believing
Is hard with the feeling
That home must be millions and millions of light years away
So let the heavens flare
And let’s not be scared, ’cause
We know love’s a world above this one
It’s like the sun so
Lift your eyes and let me in
‘Cause baby I’m an alien like you
Would you ever wake at night and realize
The reason why you knew me then
Is maybe I’m an alien too
Would you ever let me be an alien with you

The days of solitude are gone
Because we’ve both spent way too long
Hearing voices on the radio
And we can’t let anybody know
No we can’t let anybody know
Lift your eyes and let me in
‘Cause baby I’m an alien like you
Would you ever wake at night and realize
The reason why you knew me then
Is maybe I’m an alien too
Would you ever let me be an alien…
Lift your eyes and let me in
‘Cause baby I’m an alien like you
Would you ever let me be an alien…

song of the day - versions

joi, 22 iulie 2010

song of the night

Was there something more I could have done?
Or was I not meant to be the one?
Where's the life I thought we would share?
And should I care?

And will someone else get more of you?
Will she go to sleep more sure of you?
Will she wake up knowing you're still there?
And why should I care?

There's always one to turn and walk away
And one who just wants to stay
But who said that love is always fair?
And why should I care?

Should I leave you alone here in the dark?
Holding my broken heart
While a promise still hangs in the air
Why should I care?

song of the day

quote of the day

Spatiul il putem recupera, timpul niciodata - Napoleon Bonaparte

marți, 20 iulie 2010

song of the night

Mr. Right

Forget Mr. Right. Give Mr. Right Here a chance

song of the day

quote of the day

Am fost blestemata sa te iubesc. Te voi iubi, probabil, pina în ultima clipa a vietii mele. Asa am fost blestemata, asa mi-a fost ursita. Daca voi trai înca cincizeci sau o suta de ani, si voi avea copii, si copiii mei vor avea si ei copii, si peste cincizeci sau o suta de ani voi muri înconjurata de copii si de copiii copiilor mei, în clipa mortii voi striga acelasi nume (...) si-ti voi mai spune, asa cum îti spun si-acum, de cite ori ma trezesti noptile, ca nu te-am iubit decit pe tine.- Mircea Eliade